iTunes on Nix

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07-12-2005 07:49:53

So uh, I want to get me some SciFi goodness and there is no linux client. Are there any alternative clients? Maybe run the windows version under wine?


07-12-2005 12:25:40

Apparently you can run iTunes in Wine, but syncing to the ipod is currently the problem.


07-12-2005 13:51:28

if you are talking about podcasts, there does exist some software to use.

First of all, all podcasts I'm aware of are mp3 files so any mp3 player should be able to play them. XFMedia from the XFce4 project can stream an mp3 from a website and play it for you. I'm sure XMMS can to, but I haven't tried to make it work.

If you want an aggregator, try podracer (apt-get install podracer). It is a command line utility, and you have to know the url to the feed you want, which is then put into a conf file, but after that podracer can be run to keep your podcasts up-to-date (this is the one I use)

Also you might look at ipodder

which might be a useful tool - I haven't used it, and it seems to be undergoing a transition to a new name called juicer, which doesn't seem to have a linux version available yet. The ipodder product does exist and can be downloaded as an rpm or .tar.bz2 file.

There also seems to be a product called "Podcatcher on a stick", which seems to have a version for linux, although it's been optimized for Woe environments.


07-12-2005 16:26:49

What I want is the ability to get the TV shows they will be offering/do offer.


08-12-2005 09:59:45

DvD jon has what I need, though it doesn't name the files correctly after download. I have to use EasyTag to rename them.
