Feburary Meeting equipment

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18-01-2005 13:00:16

This is the list of stuff that I will be bringing. If you would like to contribute to this post a reply to this thread.

1000+ ft of extention cord. (yes I have that much if you missed it durning the install fest you will get a second chande to see it)
1 24port 10/100 switch
2 12port 10/100 switches
1 server
1 workstation
assorted cables

Things needed:
Power strips (I have some but I know it is not going to be enough)
What ever else anybody can think of.

BTW wireless will be available but not to the example network. As I don't have a pure access point at this time.


07-02-2005 21:08:02

I'd like to appologise for not being able to make the Februrary 3rd network festivites. A lot has happened at work[1] over the last four days and I was unable to attend.

I hope the meeting went well. You seem to have your act together and the power of Open Source / standards compliant solutions behind you. And a LOT of extension cords.


Jeremiah D. Powell
1. Of course, for the FNG Senior Technician, this means I get to be sit the junior techs on the team over the weekend AND run all the errands. Ick.